Sebsky Tools For Mac

Install Command Line Tools

To install the command line tools to compile native extensions, open a terminal and run:

This driving rock classic arranged for beginner Concert bands, by Gerald Sebesky. Foremost, this amazing tool allows you to use your FCP batch lists and Avid Log Exchange files as a way to share bins across the two platforms. Thank you Dharma! Another very fun feature I've been finding myself a fan of is the ability Sebsky Tools gives you to modify the Time Code of a QuickTime file.

Install Ruby

Jekyll requires Ruby v2.5.0 or higher.macOS Catalina 10.15 ships with Ruby 2.6.3. Check your Ruby version using ruby -v.

If you’re running a previous version of macOS, you’ll have to install a newer version of Ruby.

With Homebrew

To run the latest Ruby version you need to install it through Homebrew.

Add the brew ruby path to your shell configuration:

Relaunch your terminal and check your Ruby setup:

You’re now running the current stable version of Ruby!

With rbenv

Sebsky Tools For Mac

People often use rbenv to manage multipleRuby versions. This is very useful when you need to be able to run a given Ruby version on a project.

Restart your terminal to apply your changes.Next, you can install the Ruby version you want. Let’s install the latest stable version:


Sebsky Tools For Macbook Pro

That’s it! Head over to rbenv command references to learn how to use different versions of Ruby in your projects.

Install Jekyll

After installing Ruby, install Jekyll and Bundler.

Local Install

Install the bundler and jekyll gems:

Get your Ruby version:

Append your path file with the following, replacing the X.X with the first two digits of your Ruby version:

Check that GEM PATHS: points to your home directory:

SebskySebsky tools for mac os

Every time you update Ruby to a version in which the first two digits change, update your path to match.

Global Install

We recommend not installing Ruby gems globally to avoid file permissions problems and using sudo.

On Mojave (10.14)

Because of SIP Protections in Mojave, run:

Before Mojave (<10.14)




Sebsky Tools For Mac Computers

See Troubleshooting or ask for help on our forum.