Basic Pool Care Using Biguanide (Baquacil) One of he most commonly used alternatives to chlorine is Biguanide, which is based on European technology and has been used in the Denton area since approximately the late 1980’s. It is a disinfection system that is incompatible with chlorine, bromine, non-chlorine chock, copper based algaecides, as. Baquacil Sanitizer® is a chlorine-free polymeric sanitizer that is effective against a wide variety of microorganisms. Because it forms insoluble complexes with pool and contaminants, Baquacil Sanitizer® works in conjunction with the filter to physically remove impurities from the water as it sanitizes. The BAQUACIL® CDX® System is a simple, weekly, 3 step system specially formulated to maintain a consistent oxidizer residual in pool water and it couldn't be any easier to use. Spending less that a couple minutes per week maintaining this system allows for more time enjoying the pool. Better still, this system is ideal for all pools. Switched to chlorine & have had no issues with clarity over the last number of years, but the chlorine is really tough on liners, clothes, towels, hair, etc. I have a new liner this year & noticed a lot of 'chalking' and fading on the old liner. I am considering starting again with Baquacil & have not been able to find much info.
Baquacil Pool Chemicals
America's Favorite Chlorine Free Pool System
Tired of dealing with unstable chlorine? Does your skin feel tight and dry after swimming? Done with your pool liner becoming discolored? Baquacil is your solution!Clear, beautiful water that's gentle on eyes, hair and skin, not to mention pool surfaces and swimsuits.
Simple 3 Step Process
- Sanitize with Baquacil Sanitizer and Algistat. This contains the Biguanide chemical that sanitizes your pool water.
- Oxidize with Baquacil Oxidizer: This specially-stabilized hydrogen peroxide product clarifies the pool and removes unwanted contaminants.
- Maintain Oxidizer and Water Clarity with Baquacil CDX Designed to maintain a residual amount of Baquacil Oxidizer in your pool. This keeps algae at bay all season long.
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Pros And Cons
Baquacil Sanitizer® is a chlorine-free polymeric sanitizer that is effective against a wide variety of microorganisms. Because it forms insoluble complexes with pool and contaminants, Baquacil Sanitizer® works in conjunction with the filter to physically remove impurities from the water as it sanitizes. Because of it’s complex chemical structure, Baquacil® is extremely stable. Unlike the efficacy of halogen sanitizers (chlorine, bromine), the efficacy of Baquacil® is not affected by sunlight, temperature, or pH fluctuations.
The stability allows a pool to be properly maintained for longer periods before additional Baquacil Sanitizer® is required, which provides better, more consistent bacteria control and greater ease of operation.Clear sparkling water does not take nearly as much work with Baquacil Sanitizer® as it does with chlorine or bromine. This is because the active ingredient in Baquacil Sanitizer® is much more stable than chlorine or bromine, so its effectiveness lasts longer.
You also won’t have the bleaching of hair, fabrics, or vinyl liners usually associated with other sanitizers, and you’re less likely to encounter skin or eye irritation.
Factors that affect the quality of pool water are pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and total dissolved solids. The relationship between these factors is called “water balance.” When these factors are properly adjusted, it is unlikely the water will deposit scale or corrode exposed equipment. Well-balanced water also provides maximum swimmer comfort.
The source of the water (such as treated municipal water, ground water, or well water) will impact many of these factors in different ways. Knowing the water’s source will help you know what steps to take to balance the pool and keep it balanced.
Corrosion can result in pitting, etching, stripping of metals, eye & skin irritations. Some symptoms of scaling are cloudy water, short filter runs, staining, and eye and skin irritation.
Haze is insoluble particles suspended in the pool water. The more particles, the hazier the water. The smaller the particles, the more difficult it is to filter them out. If particles are too small, they may not be filterable. The haze may or may not be biological in origin. Generally, the causes of haze is one or more of the following:
Chemical water balance – incompatible chemicals have been added.
Mechanical – faulty or inadequate filtration.
Biological – watermold or algae.
To treat haze due to filtration, circulation or biological problems, use a Baqua Clean® swimming pool filter cleaner to clean the sand in the sand filter or your D.E. or cartridge filters or one of the following:
– Broadcast floc (it’s not that hard)
– Filter Aid (repeated applications will be necessary)
– Use a service D.E. filter (48-72 hrs)
Watermold is a type of biofilm. A biofilm is a colony of microorganisms that secretes an extracellular mass which protects it from biocides; and in some cases, causes the colony to adhere to a solid surface. Signs of watermold are clear, white, gray or pink slimy deposits on the side of the pool. Growth may not be readily visible. A rapid depletion of the oxidizer is the best indicator when normal sanitizer levels are maintained.
Common causes of watermold in a pool include one or more of the following: improper housekeeping, poor circulation, dirty filter, contaminated equipment and the environment. Solutions include: evaluation of the pool’s mechanical system and housekeeping routine – adjusting if necessary, cleaning the filter with Baqua Clean® and converting to the Baqua Plus® system. For a total system clean up you must chemically clean the filter and change the filter media if necessary, clean pool accessories and toys and treat with Baqua Plus®.
Baqua Plus® is a remedial treatment program for Baquacil® pools with chronic clarity issues associated with watermold issues. The main ingredient is sodium perborate monohydrate and is used to stabilize Baqua Shock® levels during the treatment process. Baqua Plus® should be used for the balance of the swimming season while closely monitoring the Baqua Shock® level. Stability of Baqua Shock® level over time determines when a pool can be returned to the 3 step Baquacil® system.
Pros And Cons Of Baquacil Water
The best way to prevent algae growth in any type of pool using any type of sanitizer, is to maintain the pool properly. It is important to maintain a sanitizer level at all times. Shock the pool as recommended according to your maintenance schedule. Apply a maintenance does of algicide every other week, (or weekly, depending on the algicide used). It is also very important to perform physical maintenance on the pool. Brushing the pool weekly will eliminate dead spots that form and promote algae growth. It also eliminates some dirt and debris which may bring algae into the pool. Automatic cleaners DO NOT perform this function. They will eliminate visible dirt, but there are still areas they miss. For best results, brush the pool surface once a week.

There is always the potential for biological problems under the right conditions. There is no magical chemical that you can add to a pool and walk away that will kill all the algae by itself. Common causes of algae are poor circulation and/or filtration, improper chemical maintenance, poor housekeeping and the environment.
Solutions include one or more of the following: evaluation of the pool’s mechanical systems and housekeeping routine – adjusting if necessary, cleaning the filter with Baqua Clean®, cleaning all pool accessories and toys, filter pool continuously (unless broadcast flocking) until clear, and treatment with an algicide such as Baquacide 1000® (which replaces Baquacide 795®).
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Baquacide 1000® is an excellent choice for algae treatment with a special non-foaming formula for reoccurring algae problems. It smothers green, black and mustard algae.
For visible algae – an initial dose of 11-17 ounces per 10,000 gallons of water. This should increase the Baquacil® reading by 2 to 5 points.
The second dose for visible algae should be 11 to 17 ounces per 10,000 gallons and should increase the Baquacil® reading by 7 to 8 points.
For really stubborn algae – treat with Baquacide 1000® and then start the Baqua Plus® regime and continue it for the rest of the swimming season.
Bulletin #112