Ftl Weapons Tier List

  1. Burst Laser Mark III

    The Burst Laser Mark III is a powerful weapon that requires 4 power from your reactor. In the early game it is a heavy drain on your resources and power. In the later stages of the game, it is one of the best weapons to rapidly penetrate enemy shields to allow for significant damage to pass through. Use the Burst Laser to pull down the shields of your opponent and follow it up with a strong beam or other laser weapon.

  2. Crystal Lockdown Bomb

    The Crystal Lockdown Bomb requires one power and one missile in order to fire. For a cheap cost, you can create crowd control against your enemy. You can use it to trap enemy crewmembers in a room and relentlessly unleash powerful attacks on that room. Additionally, if you can manage the micro, you can board a key room and lock out any opponent crewmembers that might be trying to break in to stop the attack.

  3. Anti-Bio Beam

    The Anti-Bio Beam only requires 2 power but is easily the best weapon in the game. The reason why is because it slices through enemy crewmembers without damaging the enemy ship. This is especially important because if you defeat a ship by defeating the entire crew and leave the ship intact, the scrap reward you get at the end of encounters will be significantly higher. The Anti-Bio Beam will pay for itself and synergizes with laser weapons.

Ftl swarm missile

Layout B - earn 2 of the 3 ship related Achievements to unlock, Layout C - reach sector 8 with Layout B and Advanced Mode enabled to unlock. Compared to normal ships. A rather brilliant strategy, if you have the patience, is to hack the oxygen then follow up with Lanius members occupying the oxygen room, who will then destroy the system. To unlock the third layout (Layout C) of any ship. The Heavy Laser is a nice weapon that deals 2 damage for 1 weapon power and has a chance to set fires and breach the hull. After seeing so many FTL tier lists floating around on the Internet, I decided that I might as well put one together myself and post it here on my website.

ftl weapon tier list

Tier List League Of Legends


For the system see: Weapon Control. 1 Weapon types 1.1 Lasers 1.2 Flak 1.3 Missiles 1.4 Bombs 1.5 Ions 1.6 Beams 1.7 Crystals 2 General notes 3 Unobtainable Weapons 4 Volley Control 5 Firing Order 6 Weapon Pairing and Damage Effect 7 Weapon Comparison Lasers are general-purpose energy weapons. Each laser shot temporarily removes a shield layer. Once all shields are down, lasers can hit rooms. Ftl weapon tier list. November 3, 2020 by Leave a Comment. They can only be shot down by Mark II Defense Drones. Like all Mantis ships, the Mantis A also has only. All of the playable weapons in FTL, artillery weapons included. The power bars are for distinguishing weapons with the same image. AI get the two power Artemis. Imagine that the two power bars on the Artemis image denotes a player Artemis with one power bar. I put a breach effect on the breach missile.

It's one or the other, since they both cost 1 weapon power. The poor vessels in Tier 5 simply have horrendous, crippling disadvantages with little in the way of positives.
With the combination of Cloaking, Long Range Scanners, and strong early weapons, this ship is very entertaining in action.
As far as comparing to Engi C, that ship's Dual Laser is fairly comparable to the Chain Laser, but it gives up Mind Control in favor of a Drone Control system with a Beam Drone. The Burst II Laser is simply amazing as always, with 3 shots for 2 power on a 12 second cooldown, and will almost certainly be used straight through to the end of the game. The only weapons that compare in overall strength are the Burst II Laser and Flak I, the other members of the holy trio. It doesn't feel like there's room for creativity in how you approach the game if you intend to beat the boss.
The Federation B is weaker than its big brother the Federation A in almost every way possible.
The Ion Charger and the Beam Drone alone take up 4 power, and they are both mandatory to deal any damage. (Answer to the rhetorical question: No.) If you fire while they have 2 shield points, it will deal 1 damage to each room hit. This can happen either accidentally, when a drone flies into the line of fire (and perhaps disrupting a carefully timed volley), or by design, requiring careful aim and timing (and most likely using Pause). That leaves the teleporting shenanigans with zero standard weapons as the only option - what a load of fun. The problem is that those 'right conditions' don't happen that often, especially on Hard difficulty where all of the enemy ships have higher evade and stronger weapons. They can only be shot down by Mark II Defense Drones. The basic laser cannot penetrate even the weakest shields, but it's cheap and only consumes a single power slot, so it could be worthwhile if you have extra power and weapon slots. Furthermore, with the Flak Artillery and Teleporter eating up two system slots, Federation C can only fit one more system in total before running out of room. Like its name inquires, they require a missile to fire(including the Swarm and the Pegasus). Zoltan A is a really solid ship setup. It's no coincidence that my high score list has several runs with Stealth ships listed on it, with the battles found by the Long Range Scanners snowballing into more scrap and better upgrades at sooner times. It begins the game with four Zoltan crew and a Backup Battery system upgraded to level 2. What is the best strategy for crew TP ? They can be fixed with a lucky drop.
The fact that it pierces through one shield layer (at half damage) is another massive advantage. Two reactor power!
Beam weapons cut across multiple rooms, allowing them to damage several systems and deal large amounts hull damage. This ship also has the very useful Defense Scrambler augment which prevents enemy drones from targeting your missiles or hacking drones. A successful hit on their shield can reduce their shields by one while a successful hit on their engines or cockpit will reduce their dodge ability. Overall, I wouldn't blame anyone for ranking this as the worst ship in the game. As a result, I don't value the Beam Drone very highly. Two shots with the Anti-Bio Beam will kill everything other than Rockmen, and ideally the player can use it to get the bonus scrap reward for eliminating enemy crew without destroying their ship in the process. Each Shield bubble will block 1 damage of a beam.
Lasers of any type work much more effectively, as their ability to bring down multiple levels of shields synergizes well with beam weapons. Land a Flak or Burst Laser to pair with the Dual Lasers, and you can ignore the pricey, uncontrollable Artillery Beam for a while and get off and running. The Lockdown Bomb duplicates the innate ability of the secret Crystal race, which can be used to trap enemy crew or wall off portions of the enemy ship. That strong lategame will arrive... eventually. Don't play it intending to engage in ship vs. ship laser duels. Strengths: Zoltan Shield, Backup Battery This lowers the likelihood of a shield regenerating during your volley and cancelling one of your shots or a beam.
The ship begins with two weapons: a Heavy Laser and a Heavy Ion.
It's a tough, short life for the poor saps manning this ship. Thus, it is a good strategy to destroy or weaken the shields with burst lasers, bombs, ion weapons or missiles and then firing the heavy laser. Crystal weapons fire shards of crystal that pierce one layer of shield, going straight through it to damage systems, hull, and crew. Meanwhile, weapons that can cause breaches have added effectiveness against AI rebel ships and an AI-controlled rebel flagship, as they are unable to autorepair any system with a breach. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. The beam itself must touch their little sprite graphic, it's not enough to hit the room in which they're standing. With Long Range Scanners on board, the player can pilot around the asteroid fields which would otherwise be disastrous for a ship without shielding. The weak reactor adds a unique disadvantage to the Zoltan C not found on anything else. Both defense drones and shields can stop their shots. Strengths: Four-Tile Teleporter, Level 4 Shields, Defensive Drone, 11 Reactor Power The one other distinguishing feature of this ship is the Flak Artillery, Federation C's version of the Artillery Beam unique to this class of ships. The Rockmen's racial bonus is an immunity to fire, so the clear intention of the Rock B is to teleport two of them over to the enemy ship and then Fire Bomb whatever room they happen to be fighting inside.
The Ion Blast II can do this by default provided it mostly hits. It's simply not as ludicrously overpowered as Crystal B or Lanius B. I would expect to win with this ship close to 100% of the time. Yes, the fact that it ignores shields is awesome, but the Artillery Beam can't be targeted in any way.
There's no extra stuff to micro for advantage - Kestrel B is a basic ship. You're basically playing the game with one fewer engine level and with a negative Auto Reloader augment! The Artemis Missile does 2 damage on hit for 1 weapon power, and I've found it to be a useful early game compliment to the Burst II Laser. I rarely see much discussion of this ship online, even though it's actually one of my favorite ships in FTL. Rock A Mantis C is a ship that needs more crew to be truly effective. Fortnite Events. Obviously the missiles have too many limitations to see regular use, and the Artemis will almost certainly be replaced later on, but having that extra weapon does make a difference. A starter weapon on the 'Nisos' Federation cruiser type B, this dual laser packs a punch for just one power but is still with low fire chance so be prepared to upgrade to more powerful lasers later in the game. Remember, the starting evade rate is only 10% on the Engi B. There are no holes here, nothing missing, only a slightly slow early game which is still pretty darn good with a Burst II Laser in hand.
If Slug B becomes a decent ship after purchasing a Medbay, then how much better off would another ship be that *DIDN'T* have to waste 50 scrap that way? The ion cascade is also slow; you really can't sit around for thirty seconds at the start of every battle waiting for the enemy shields to be ionized to use the rest of your weapons. I guess the slimy aliens don't think they need them.) The only drawback is that there's nothing overpowered to boost this ship up into the next tier. That system adds ridiculously strong defenses to a godly boarding setup.
Lasers are general-purpose energy weapons.
Once all shields are down, lasers can hit rooms and deal system, hull, and crew damage. Disregarding the overpowered Crystal B and Lanius B in their special unique tiers, I wound up with 10 ships grading out above average in the top two tiers, 8 ships in this average category, and 8 more below average ships in the bottom tiers. The moment the cockpit is damaged is the moment the enemy pilot begins repairing it.
If it weren't for the Crystal B, this would be the best ship in the game, and it doesn't miss the Crystal B by much. While the Zoltan B might be the best at this style of gameplay, it's an inherently risky way to play the game. These are the absolute worst ships in the game. Overall Ranking: 25/28 The weak non-mineral life forms will horribly burn to death while the rocks smash their way to victory. It can be useful at times if there's a key system that has to be taken out, but standard lasers or flak would definitely be a better choice. The combination of no shields and no cloaking certainly suggests that this ship will meet a rapid untimely demise. They are not guaranteed to hit and they can't be aimed any more than the normal Artillery Beam can.
This ship has a high skillcap, and needs to rely on smart usage of Hacking to get around the lack of direct offensive power. Weaknesses: No Shields, No Cloaking, 3 Weapons Slots. Also, the Defense Drone Mark II tries to stop all incoming projectiles (missiles, lasers, and crystals). Without some kind of bonus to melee combat, defeating the enemy crew is significantly harder. The Slug innate racial bonus helps to compensate for this. Overall Ranking: 18/28 I wrote previously in the Engi A section about how I dislike the ion + drone combination, as the setup can't be targeted and therefore can't be counted upon for consistent damage. Please read it and up vote if you agree!
In the end, I went with the Mantis C by a hair because of the four-tile Teleporter; feel free to disagree. Even Slug B gets the Artemis Missile for targeted damage. Still, that doesn't change the fact that Federation A is a much stronger ship overall.
Pretty good list.
The starting crew on this ship is outstanding, with the collection of a Human, an Engi, a Mantis, and a Rockman. https://www.ftlwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Weapons&oldid=5595, Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike. If boarding without a Medbay or Cloning Bay sounds impossible, well, you're not that far off the mark.
Going into battle with half health on the crew is an invitation for disaster. They are good at taking down shields, but they can completely miss if fired in a small room, regardless of evasion. I would rank this ship higher if I could. And then there's the Artillery Beam, a system unique to the Federation ships. The Kestrel B is therefore one of the strongest DEFENSIVE ships in the early going, as the ship is very good at taking out enemy weapons before they even get to fire. Adding on to this oddity, Rock B is the only ship that lacks any outside hatches to vent the ship of oxygen. For conventional weaponry, the Rock B also starts out with a Heavy Pierce Laser, which is almost identical to a normal Heavy Laser (one shot that deals two damage) with the ability to pierce through one shield layer in exchange for a slightly longer cooldown. If the enemy ship has shields active, ion lasers will always target them as they strike - not the system you were aiming the lasers at. For one thing, ion cascades are slow, and even with a Zoltan Shield it's undesirable to sit and wait for the enemy shields to slowly be removed. But the ship also can't afford to lose the Backup Battery either, as it's absolutely necessary to power the rest of the systems on the ship. Strengths: Crystal Crewmember
Upgrading the Teleporter drops the cooldown time from 20 seconds to 15 seconds to 10 seconds. Systems hit with an ion weapon are shown in a light blue colour with a countdown until the impairment expires.
But it's not as suicidal as the design appears at first glance. To compensate for the lack of defenses, the Stealth C has excellent starting weaponry. It makes intuitive sense that the ranking system would approximate a normal distribution, and here we're sitting solidly in the fattest part of the bell curve.

Ship Tier List Ftl


Ftl Weapon Tier List Reddit

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